Spaghetti and Meatballs

by Mia Murphy


Mia Murphy
Spaghetti and Meatballs
“ Ida, come down for dinner in five please,” echoed a voice through the walls of a quiet home.

Ida was sprawled under the covers of her bed, nose nuzzled into a new TV show she was watching on her phone, even though it was still light outside. She didn’t have a care though, she never cared about much. All she ever did was spend time alone in her dark and solem room occupying herself with screens. She didn’t have any family problems, no trauma she was dealing with, she hadn’t a worry in the world, but she still had yet to express gratitude to her family. She rarely ever went downstairs to eat dinner with her mom and dad all together. She felt it was like a chore, something she unwantedly had to do. Her mom didn’t work, she stayed home to take care of chores around the house, and her dad was always working on “some sort of job”. At least, that’s what Ida thought of it as.

“Ugh…” Ida groaned, finally lifted herself up from under the covers, and slumped down her stairs with an expression of annoyance plastered on her face. 

“Ida! I made your favorite dish! Why not look a little happier?” Ida’s mother voiced.

Ida didn’t reply, ‘Thanks mom!’ was not a sentence in her vocabulary, she picked up the plate of spaghetti and meatballs, grabbed a fork, and heaved up the stairs back into her dull room.

Ida didn't see the point in going outside, or spending time with her parents, she was an only child after all. However, the next day, she would understand why her mom would always try to pry her out of the other room every single day, and why her dad always wanted to play soccer with her outside. 

Ida opened her eyes to see the next morning's day-light and picked up her cellphone. She was used to this routine because, well, the only thing she ever did was wallow herself in her phone. Unexpectedly, when she was scrolling through her notifications, her eyes lit up in terror. She received a text from her father stating that her mother was transported into the hospital this morning after a severe car crash on her way to the grocery store.

Ida’s never had anything unfortunate happen in her life, so she wasn't aware of how to react to this message. She ran down the stairs, out of the door, and called the nearest Uber to send her to the hospital immediately. 

Arriving at the hospital, Ida stormed up three flights of stairs to the level her dad texted told her to go to. She had never seen a sight so scary. Her mother laid in a hospital bed, machines attached to her every limb, she was struggling to put on a smile for her daughter. 

“I’m sorry mom… I don’t know why I never spent time with you, or tried to watch a movie with you, or- or- or--” Ida burst into tears. She didn't know how her mother was so strong willed and loving even after Ida paid no attention to what her mother did for her. 

Ida’s mom struggled to get words out but quietly uttered, “ I wish I could’ve made you spaghetti and meatballs one more time.” 

Those soft words marked the moment when regret surfaced Ida’s eyes. It was then that she realized she should’ve appreciated all that she had before she didn’t have it anymore. Ida squeezed her mother’s hand for the last time and vowed to cherish every moment from this point forward. Life’s too short not to live, and people are only here for a limited amount of time. Adore everything life grants you with, everyone you come in contact with, and the small, notable gestures you receive, like spaghetti and meatballs. 

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