Story of the Polar Bear

by Nagy-Kis Fanni


tory of the Polar Bear
Nagy-Kis Fanni
Of course we were living a happy unbothered life before human evolution, just like every other species of animals, but at the poles it was much more difficult.
I never in my life would have thought I would lose my friends at a young age, or any soon, now I even wonder if this is gonna be my last day. Would I wake up with my mother on my side? Was she breathing? Well, I have no choice, I have to live in fear every single day. Since they built the first factory and soon afterwards there were cars everywhere. Pollution made the temperature go higher and higher as years passed. If there wasn’t any ice on the caps, where would we live? My great-great grandma once started passing a story, she described what was it like back then, I never even had a chance to see a big iceberg, she was living with icebergs all around her home protecting her. We were also hunted, because we were very rare, they wanted us in the zoos, or make carpets out of our fur.
I wishe people apologised and tried to save us, maybe found a way to make more of us, even if it was expensive. We were always worth the money and work!

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