The Greedy King

by Claire Froslie


The Greedy King
By Claire Froslie
Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince who was loved by many. He married a wonderful woman and had two children. But the years went by and the prince, now a king and old man, became sour and unwelcoming. One day, the king decided he wanted everything. 
“But sir, The servants cried, “It is impossible to get Everything!” 
“I want everything.” The king bellowed. “Bring me EVERYTHING. Do not disappoint me.” 
And so the servants hurried to get the king everything. They collected gold, jewelry, clothing, antiques and even an old cuckoo clock! Yet the king was still not satisfied. 
“I said to bring me EVERYTHING! Listen to me or else!”
And the servants collected everything. The quest took years. The king's wife moved away. His children grew up not knowing him.  Yet, whenever the servants thought they had gotten everything, he demanded more.

Finally, the servants had collected everything for the sour king.Yet, the king was still not pleased.
The king died alone and miserable, for all his servants left after the quest. Years later, the townspeople wondered why he was not yet pleased. The king's oldest son, being very wise, decided that he knew. “My father did not have everything. He did not have love or compassion.

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