Mind Full/Less

by Evan Kelly

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Before it all
Mind Full/Less
Ever since the nuclear meltdown, nothing has been the same. The explosion happened in the middle of the United States, Denver, Colorado. Everyone in the middle part of the United States was either killed or caught a severe illness. Unfortunately with every disease, there is going to be a new strand. This one would change everything forever. This disease mutated people into becoming real zombies with no purpose except they kept their brains, thoughts, and knowledge. Now you are probably thinking or just get a cure for this. Impossible. Even if we were to get one it would have been from another country and nobody that comes in ever gets out. To sum it up it is basically zombies from a video game except they run fast, can anticipate your movements, create things (weaponry), and anything a human could do and you can't stop it. Luckily enough for me, I was on the outskirts of the states and wasn't infected. I was in New Jersey for the weekend visiting my best friend in high school who was still living with his Mom. His dad had been on a business trip in Boulder, Colorado but as I said earlier the explosion was in Colorado he was either too close to the blast and died or he would have caught the mutation so he was gone. That's where it all starts.
Present Day
Since we are in New Jersey we didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. But we were bored and decided to turn on the tv to see if anything good was on. When we turned it on it was on the news channel but we don't really care about the news so we went onto other tv channels but it seemed like every single one was about something around zombies. When this happened it was October 28th so I and my friend Hal just thought it was a Halloween prank. As soon as we saw this we heard a soft knock coming from upstairs. The next thing we heard is a door creaking open and five seconds later an ear-piercing scream. We rushed upstairs and peeked through the small crack in the door. I looked around the kitchen to see nothing but as I moved my gaze to the living room I saw blood on the paintings of Hal as an eight-year-old. I motioned to Hal that we will NOT be going up there. We crawled back down the carpeted stairs to be as quiet as possible. But as we started down the stairs Hal went a little too fast and the stairs made a loud creak. A shadow drifted to the door.
Into the unknown
We didn't have time to check the door or be quiet we needed to find something to defend ourselves because at the time I had no clue what I was up against. Hal's father used guns as a hobby and had guns stored in the secret room in the basement. We sprinted as quietly as we could and found the room. We heard the basement door crack open. Hal was struggling to open the safe of guns. We finally got in and chose our weapons, grabbed ammo, and a knife. Luckily for me, Hal had previous experience with guns. We huddled in a corner of the room and aimed our weaponry straight at the opening of the room. We could hear the footsteps grow nearer but they were moving super slowly. Not a good sign. It knew where we were and was trying to figure out the best way to get to us. It almost was successful, the human-like figure sprinted at us and we went through 10 bullets each until it finally collapsed. I sprinted upstairs to look out the window and saw a new swarm of zombies running at the house. "This is the apocalypse and when the world ends".

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