The Moviemaker

by Vincent Morais

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Terry always loved photography. He has two little boys and a wife that he'd do anything to. He and his family moved into a freshly renovated house in a forest near a lake with no neighbours: Paradise for Terry.

Lots of owners lived in that house before him, but he didn’t care much. While opening the box full of stuff they possess, Terry saw a door on the ceiling and concluded it was for the attic. He climbed up to see that there is only a box in the middle of the room. The box was wide open, and the only thing that was in there, surprisingly, was a brand new camera. He opened it, and found a couple of photos and videos about the previous owners. There weren't two pictures with the same family in it, but the same old house was visible even at night. Terry took a picture because he never could afford a camera like this, and he was already in love with it. He already knew he should’ve done that. He decided to take the digicam with him without telling anyone. Back with his wife, “Honey, do you know something about what happened to the people who used to live here?” questioned Terry, “Yeah, in fact, the couple that sold us the house lived here but stayed three weeks before selling this masterpiece to an excellent price.” answered his wife. “Interesting” Terry had to learn more about this.

At about midnight, Terry went to his desk and watched all the videos on the camera. He was horrified when he realized that all the videos were filmed strangely, for example, they were all slightly angled. He also remarked that the videos with the couple that sold their house were not being filmed by one in the couples. In one of the films, he saw a strange little girl in the bushes, and he rewatched everything and saw this girl on every single tape of the camera. When you see it, you cannot unsee it. He dropped the camera and looked outside but was horrified by the evil, dead eyes of that very same little girl staring straight at him from her usual spot in that old, scraggy bush. He rushed to his family, only to find something that nobody wants to see. Before he could know, his picture was already taken. 

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