Mr. Fredrick

by Brendan Lercel


Mr. Fredrick
Brendan Lercel
P.S Sorry if the words are really tiny!
Btw this is a horror story.
It was a day just like any other...
It was a Saturday so that meant my friends Alex, Jacob and I could go on our little hike into the woods. We were about to walk out of my yard, when we saw my neighbor, Mr. Fredrick, watering his flowers. He was a nice neighbor, and I liked chatting with him from time to time. He looked up at us and waved from across the street. We waved back politely and started on our hike.
We spent about fifteen minutes chatting about homework and kicking pebbles. But about five minutes later, when we were in the middle of our hike...we saw something. Not that we don't usually "see" anything. I mean, we've seen bears, coyotes, and some deer. Those were like "Big deal." But this was like "OMGGGGGGGGGGG" jaw-dropping.
What we saw was a body.
A human body.
It was Mr. Fredrick.
He was lying face-down in the dirt, his body twisted in a weird way. We were too stunned to say anything. We just stood there. The only thing was, how? We had just seen him not twenty minutes ago.
We examined him closely, and on the back of his head were five huge claw marks. I shuddered as I wondered what could've happened. After that, we gingerly rolled Mr. Fredrick over. What we saw shocked us.
Mr. Fredrick's face was full of complete terror. I saw that he was still holding a pen in one hand and a small flipbook in the other. I took up the flipbook, and it read, "If you are reading this, you need to RUN. If you do not, HE will get you. Don't stop to take a breath, or it could be your las-"
The writing stopped there. But he had gotten far enough. I took a quick look around me. I could tell we were all thinking the same thing. "Let's get home NOW!"
We started to run, but for some reason, it was strangely dark. Had time passed that fast? Suddenly, we heard loud, fast whispering coming from the forest around us. Utter darkness closed in on all sides. I tried to yell, but nothing came out. Then, I passed out.
I woke up with a start. And let out a deep sigh of relief. It had all been a dream! It felt so good to be in my bed again! But strangely enough, my back ached, and my arms itched. I opened my eyes and realized, this was no dream. This all happened. But before I could say anything, I started drifting off again. This time, I didn't wake up.

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