A Human Spark

by Samuel Glanz

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Travel back… through slavery, depression, war. Through golden age, technology and freedom. Were times were simple. 800,000 years ago. Sticks bones and raw meat. Cave life and we were just animals. Little did those few know what the human race would become. Dominated by Hominids times were different. Life is about survival not luxury. Evolution needed a kickstart, a boost. Inhibited by there capabilities human advancement took a halt. But there was hope for these two legged creatures, enough hope to one day rule the planet. Hope that lead to intelligence. The greatest tool there was for the Hominids… intelligence.
Now we can zoom in even more to a family of 4 Hominids. Morning is hunting for the male and gathering for the women. Rocks and stones is what there technology is. Children are learning gaining intelligence to hopefully surpass there parents and continue the uprising of the human race. Day after day the same thing with nothing new. Those same kids one day kickstarted human evaluation. The spark that would create fire. That fire which would transform human life forever. That spark that sends humans spiraling upwards in the animal kingdom. Every year those hominids continued evolving until about 300,000 years ago . The homosapien was born. The earliest true humans.
Now lets fast forward through language, writing, the wheel, cars, boats, ancient civilizations, the telephone ,and internet all the way to now. Were we fight for everyone and no one. Were we are concerned about how we do things and people shame people for how they look. Always at war with our own kind. We are not a pack anymore. Evolution made it this far and now we are destroying are selves. Maybe the modern human race just needs to realize how far we have come and that we are all the same. We are all just homosapians and it sounds simple but these days people just cant grasp that rich or poor black or white we are all the same. That's what needs to spark.

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