Wisteria's Adventure

by Kassia Ng


Kassia Ng
Wisteria was a light gray wolf, hints of lavender in her fur, which symbolized the flower she was named after. She lived in a forest called the Treetop Woods with her pack and her mother. They were very content there, but the wolves lived in fear of the hunters - groups of men that hunted animals. They were terrifying, carrying guns and bow and arrows. They were killers, and animals avoided them, but when the hunters striked and put traps on the ground, no animal had ever escaped them. They were captured, and if the hunters didn't want them, they were left in the traps to die.
One day, while Wisteria was playing in a clearing of the forest, the hunters came. The wolves evaded them, and the hunters could not target any of the wolves. So they decided to do something else, something very evil - they burned down the forest. 
Fires were everywhere, and Wisteria and her pack needed to get to safety. Howls filled the day. The wolves were running around in a panic. Wisteria knew what she had to do. 
Wisteria ran to the top of a large boulder, making sure she was covered among the trees. The fire raged in the background, getting closer by the minute. Wisteria howled, getting her pack’s attention. She told them to follow her. There was another forest nearby. 
Wisteria hopped down from the boulder. The pack raced after her, as she commanded. Her mother was by her side, which gave Wisteria more hope and encouragement. The young wolf bounded out of the forest, along with the pack. The hunters were still inside, as far as she knew. Finally, they arrived at another, lush forest. Evergreen forest, where the evergreen trees grew. 
It was a healthy forest. Food was never scarce, and the trees protected them. Wisteria and her pack settled merrily into their new home. They had escaped the hunters. When the bright moon rose the next night, they went out, running around. And in the darkness, joyous wolf howls filled the night. 

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