Sally's Time Travel Adventure

by Audrey Stanger

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In the year 1970, Sally had just come home from a regular day in 5th grade. She arrived to her mom and younger brother going through old keepsake boxes from the years before. Immediately after greeting her family, something shiny in an unusual box caught her eye. She quickly walked towards the mysterious object and picked up a strange, old, metal pin. As she drew the pin nearer to her, the living room began to morph into the past. Sally's curiosity overcame her. As she began exploring the house, she realized that she was in her house, but in the 1850's. She saw her brother and mom cleaning up the home. Sally wandered the antique home for a couple hours, studying the pictures on the walls of her family, and pretended that everything was normal, trying to fit in as much as possible without suspicion. However, she was ready to return to her normal life. She grasped the pin and the home around her shifted back to her living room. She kept the pin in her room from that moment on and traveled to the past whenever she wanted but never said a word to anyone about her secret.

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