A new book

by Mine Ninja

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

Chapter 3: Finding your school

Last chapter: Passing the entry test
You might think this is useless just get the one that's closest to you but that's not always the case. The school that's closest to you, might not always be the best always check for how much people pass, or just look it up , you have the internet. Also take the distace from your home to school into account not that if you have to change your routine ,It's bad but it he travelling is worth it

This is the hardest one of them all I reccomend taking the tests at your school . You can also practise the tests In most countries you can find old tests online to practice on them. Also you can take remedial studies for it I very much reccomend them as the right ones prepare you very well for the tests
  • Look your school up
  • Check the reviews for the school
  • Check if the travelling is worth it
  • Practice the tests
  • Learn to read questions
  • Take remedial studies
  • Try your hardest
Last chapter: Passing the entry test
This is the hardest one of them all I reccomend taking the tests at your school . You can also practise the tests In most countries you can find old tests online to practice on them. Also you can take remedial studies for it I very much reccomend them as the right ones prepare you very well for the tests
  • Practice the tests
  • Learn to read questions
  • Take remedial studies
  • Try your hardest

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