A new book

by Joanna Chmielová


 How to survive hard times and stay positive
Project on positiveness:
1. Do a quiz
In the test I got the result that I am 70% a normal, in-between type of person. Not negative but not always positive, either. You don't care what life throws at you - you like to think, "So what? That's just the way it is."
I don't know if that's completely true because I try to be a positive person, but it doesn't always work out for me.
2. Make a decision to do something which overcomes bad mood, be persistent for 3 days
I decided to move every day. I went for nature walks.
Time in nature always makes me smile. :) Especially when I decide to go for a walk with my friends, it's a very nice time.
3. Move your body
4. Keep a record of it
I already mentioned that I go for walks every day. Mostly with my dog but sometimes I want to go and walk alone. Sometimes I also go to the mountains with my friends. I love the time spent in the fresh air. I also recently started practicing exercises at home and I enjoy it!
5. Do sth unusual and helpful at home or for somebody else
I made a birthday cake for my grandmother. She was very surprised and happy.
I helped my grandfather fix the fence in the garden.
And I also try to help my mother with housework and help her in the kitchen.
6. Look around, find sth beautiful, draw it or take a photo of it
Lately, I've become more interested in taking pictures of nature and the people around me. Spring is really wonderful now. I realize how beautifully everything is created and how wonderful the world is.