A new book

by Natálie Ševečková


How to survive hard times
and stay positive
Am I A Positive Or A Negative Person?
For 50% I am a normal person.
For 40% I am a negative person and for 10% I am a positive person.
I don't think the test result fits me completely.
I am a negative person in many situations,
but I can also think positively .
My friends always say that I should not
think so negatively about some things :)
Do something to help overcome a bad mood
For better mood :
- I sing
- I play the piano or I learn how to play the guitar
- I watch TV series
- I read a book
- I listen to my favorite songs
- I go for a walk with my dog or with friends
Move your body
Go for a walk
Look around you,
you will find a lot of
beautiful things :)
Go out with your friends
Do something unusual and helpful at home or for somebody else
I often bake something for my family
I baked a cake for my
mom's birthday
I forgot to take a picture,
so here is a link to the recipe 😊
Look around, find something beautiful
Winter is beautiful