Jadi O'Rourke



8th Grade PAVA
Jadi O'Rourke
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With Ms. Sveiven
In English, we learned all about different types of writing, such as narrative and informative. We read a novel called "The Giver" by Lois Lowry and many news articles, some fake and some reliable.
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With Ms. Estrada
I liked this assignment because the planets and space have always been really fascinating to me even when I was in 2nd grade. I worked well on this assignment and I am proud of it.
I chose to do the article about binge watching because I binge watch myself and I wanted to learn more about it.
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With Mr. Chun
I chose this test because it was the first test this year in math where I got a 100% on and I am so proud of myself because I was really struggling with the lesson and I still did super well!
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With Ms. Estrada
In Science we have been learning about Astronomy and Non-contact forces! Students have studied the solar system, analyzed the planets, and created models of the solar system and Earth-sun-moon system.
I liked this assignment because the planets and space have always been really fascinating to me even when I was in 2nd grade. I worked well on this assignment and I am proud of it.
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With Mr. Chun
In 8th grade math, students have worked with Number Systems, Expressions and Equations, and Functions, and will be diving in to Pythagorean Theorem, Geometry and Probability and Statistics for the remainder of the year.
I chose this test because it was the first test this year in math where I got a 100% on and I am so proud of myself because I was really struggling with the lesson and I still did super well!
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With Mr. Santana
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My history teacher, Mr. Santana, was defiantly one of my favorite teachers because he is so understanding, so encouraging, and kind.
Title of rap poem: “How Much Will it Take to End This?”
Link to rap poem
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With Mr. Mc Daniel
In this class we are either learning a new skill, being taught the values of life, or working out. This class teaches the students how to have a good and healthy life style along with helping young kids learn new skills in baseball, volleyball, basketball, etc.
I like this class because I like to workout and my teacher is always pushing us to work our hardest. He is super understanding when it comes to late work or being absent and the class is just a nice way to get away from math or science.
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With Mr. Mc Daniel
In this class we are either learning a new skill, being taught the values of life, or working out. This class teaches the students how to have a good and healthy life style along with helping young kids learn new skills in baseball, volleyball, basketball, etc.
I like this class because I like to workout and my teacher is always pushing us to work our hardest. He is super understanding when it comes to late work or being absent and the class is just a nice way to get away from math or science.
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French With Mr. Dahl
Even though I am in PAVA, I did not take a more "creative" route for this year. I decided to carry on with my french studies like I did at my other school and even outside of class. We never did any projects but I am proud to say that on every test and quiz I have gotten a 100% on and I plan on continuing that. I really like this class because even though I already know most of it, it gives me a chance to review and know French 1 in and out.
What was your favorite part of this year? This could be about an assignment, a teacher, or a school experience.
My favorite part of this year was in my Advisory class when my whole class would participate and talk to each other and have fun while we were playing among us. My Advisory class never talks to each other and that made me happy to see my teacher happy. Even now if my advisory class doesn't talk much I am happy to know we got to make some connections through something.
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