Book Creator

PAVA 7th Book


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My favorite assignment...
While in Mr. Herrera's science class, I've learned about some pretty fun and interesting things! From things to learning why the sky is blue to learning about crazy chemical reactions. Not only that but, I love all of his fun projects he's assigned and I look forward to more in the future. I hope you enjoy these cool projects I've made in his class and thank you!
Project link:
My favorite assignment's I've done in Mr. Herrera's class is the digital locker and the Periodic Table Hero project. I chose these two assignments because of how creative I got to be during these projects. What made the digital locker fun was, how enjoyable it was to decorate a locker even though I was at home. It reminded me how fun it was to decorate my locker last year. The reason I choose the Periodic Table project was because of how fun it was to create my own cool back story about my hero, and draw my own character! Not only that but, he always has very fun warm-ups and always makes our lessons so fun! My favorite lesson I've done with Mr. Herrera this year was the Super babies mini lesson (sounds pretty weird huh!). My favorite part of his class is when we started chemistry. Chemistry was my favorite section because of how fun it was to learn about all these cool and weird chemicals! Even though he is a strict teacher, he still makes his classes very fun and I look forward on getting more fun projects from his class in the future.
My favorite assignment...
with Mr.Herrera
My favorite assignment's I've done in Mr. Herrera's class is the digital locker and the Periodic Table Hero project. I chose these two assignments because of how creative I got to be during these projects. What made the digital locker fun was, how enjoyable it was to decorate a locker even though I was at home. It reminded me how fun it was to decorate my locker last year. The reason I choose the Periodic Table project was because of how fun it was to create my own cool back story about my hero, and draw my own character! Not only that but, he always has very fun warm-ups and always makes our lessons so fun! My favorite lesson I've done with Mr. Herrera this year was the Super babies mini lesson (sounds pretty weird huh!). My favorite part of his class is when we started chemistry. Chemistry was my favorite section because of how fun it was to learn about all these cool and weird chemicals! Even though he is a strict teacher, he still makes his classes very fun and I look forward on getting more fun projects from his class in the future.