An Unexpected Friendship

by River Valley Primary School

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Group 1
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An Unexpected Friendship
By: Alyssa and Emily
An Unexpected Friendship
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Once upon a time, a white tiger, Snow, and Anna, an octopus, just happened to be next to each other in their enclosure. Snow had just finished "exercising'"with her favourite rubber ball. She was sweaty and wanted to cool down.
Full of excitement, she bounded into the water and made a big 'Splash!' She was really enjoying herself in the cool waters.
Meanwhile, Anna was playing with a long piece of string. She was trying to pass the string to each of her eight tentacles while closing her eyes. After a while, she achieved her goal! She high-fived herself with her tentacles and swam about happily.
Just then, she noticed a hole in the other end of the lake. I wonder where it leads to? She wondered curiously. She decided to swim through the mysterious hole and have a quick peek at what was on the other side. To her surprise, a beautiful white tiger was swimming in the water! Should I say 'hi'? Anna thought.
Anna went ahead and swam towards the white tiger. "Hi! My name is Anna!" she exclaimed cheerfully. Snow saw Anna waving at her, so she thought that the octopus was very friendly. "My name is Snow. Let's play!" Snow told Anna. Octopus and white tiger soon bonded together and they had a wonderful time playing. They ended up has friends even though Snow lives on land and Anna lives in water. They visit each other daily and hang out all the time.
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Remember Anna from the story? She is an octopus!
Octopuses have eyes in a globe-shaped head which have eight long limbs called tentacles that have two rows of sucker senses! An octopus has a hard beak, like a parrot beak, which they use to break into and eat their prey such as crabs and shellfish. Octopuses have three hearts. They are also one of the most fascinating creatures ever! They are invertebrates (meaning that they have no bones) and are smart enough to even open a lock with their tentacles!
The White tiger is a rare form of the Bengal tiger! Unlike normal ones, which are orange with black stripes, the White Tiger is white with black stripes, with blue eyes and a pink nose. Sadly, they are very rare and are endangered species, about to go extinct.... Extinction means that a species of animals or plants has died out, while endangered means a species about to go extinct. Only 200 white tigers are probably left in the wild.