Artivism in Motion: Gun Violence

by Keith McInnis

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It's Gun Violence
Gun Violence is basically just violence or crimes committed with the use of a gun. Homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and suicide, or attempted suicide can all be examples of gun violence depending on the jurisdiction.
According to the Gun Violence Archive, as of March 2, 2021, there have been 7,220 total deaths due to gun violence. This includes deaths from homicide/murder and also suicide.
Buying weapons online or waiting three days for a background check basically "cheat" the system and policies that are put in place to stop this. Getting a weapon needs to become harder (not impossible though, you know 2nd amendment and stuff) for people who aren't deemed "acceptable" to own a weapon.
Where's the song?????
I actually made this a while back before school started and it just happened to be perfect for this so I went with it. The song is about gun violence and its purpose is to bring awareness to the policies that are in place that still allow people my age, and also people who aren't suitable, to attain and sometimes own a firearm.
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