A new book

by 8A Enrico Nasr


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Independence Day
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In the Summer, we have a very important day: the Independence Day (of USA). But, before we talk about the date, we have to know the history behind of this.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, many british people started a new life in North America. On this time, the area of USA was part of the Thirteen Colonies. Although people was living in another continent, the British king was still king there, in addition to order that people must send taxes to Britain. As a consequence, wars started.
On 07/04/1776, the United States government in Philadelphia agreed to Declaration of Independence, so it became a free country. As a result, started a war with British and Americans. In the and, the Americans won.
Since this, it’s cebrate the Independence Day.
How it's celebrated today:
Independence Day is one of the biggest celebrations in the United States, parades take place all over the country, military parades with the flag, at the end of the day there is a celebration that is a fireworks show. They usually eat barbecue with the family. Picnics are also fun on Independence Day, in some places they go to the beach or celebrate in
the streets with clothes well characterized with the colors of the flag. On the same day there is a famous competition for those who eat more hotdogs . This is how the third largest party in the USA is celebrated.
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What is it?
When December is coming, we start to get excited, didn’t we? Because a very special day is close: the Christmas, which it’s the birthday Jesus Crist. In the world, billions of people celebrate this on December 25th annually. Although the majority are cristians, people who don’t go to a church (for example) commemorate too; it’s an date for parties, time with family, presents etc.
People often start to get ready for Christmas on October, November. They start to buy presents, cards (some can play musics), trees, lights, decorations, food and another things.
Another important figure of Christmas is Santa Claus (called Father Christmas in Britain). Children leave a stocking for him. Santa is a big man with white hair and red clothes who brings presents for kids during the night. The fathers and mothers tell that only good children receive gifts – if this won’t happen, he will leave a piece of black coal!
The typical foods are: rice, turkey, pork, farofa, panettone, cookies, cod, pavê etc.
The legend about Christmas:
This legend talks about the origin of Santa
Claus, according to the Viking's culture.
In the North hemisphere, in the region of Scandinavian peninsula (where it usually reaches minus 30 degrees), the vikings were being ready for a annual festival, which the espirirtual lider chose the best warrior to hunt a big white bear.
Then, went out in his reindeer sleigh and returned a few hours later with his beard and hair covered in snowflakes, which gave him the appearance of someone much older. In front of all the members of the tribe, they displayed the game and, as part of the ritual, they removed the bear's skin and covered themselves with it (the white part, the hairs, in contact with the skin to warm up from the intense cold and the part red and bloody out). And then, everyone ate, drank and danced, celebrating the abundance and strength of the Viking people.
This festival became very famous in Europe, so, as a consequence, many things are presents since then.
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