Seasons and Celebrations

by 8A Artur Almeida


English work-Seasons and celebrations 8ºA
Artur De Vecchi Almeida

Rodrigo Figueredo Trasferetti

Thiago Castilho Cunha
Mother’s day
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The mother’s day, celebrated in all the world, is a celebrate day to honor the mothers in May, the fifth month of the year. The day of the date may change according to each countrie.
For example, the Mother’s day is celebrate in the second Sunday on Brazil and United States, but also are celebrated in the last sunday of May, like in France. Is not considered a holiday. The date is represented by flowers and hearts.
New years eve
New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is a celebration of the passage of the year from December 31 to January 1st of the following year. The word came from French and means “to wake up”, in reference to the new stage of life that begins. January 1st was consolidated only in the 16th century, when the people start to use the Gregorian calendar. The New Year’s Eve is already a tradition in a good part of the world, with most of the people who celebrate are Christian. However, the origin of New Year's Eve.
Most people celebrate the New Year's Eve with family or friends. In Brazil, the New Year's Eve is famous for having fireworks at the turn of the year