by Trabalho escola


Comic Panel 1
English activity
Beatriz Samuel 3
Daniela Reis 4
Giovana Perazzo 7
Comic Panel 1

The story of St. Valentine's Day goes back to an obscure fast day celebrated in honor of St. Valentine's Day. The association with love and romanticism comes after the end of the Middle Ages, during which the concept of romantic love was formulated.
Bishop Valentine fought against the orders of Emperor Claudius II, who had banned marriage during the wars, believing that singles were the best combatants.
He continued to celebrate weddings, despite the emperor's ban. A was discovered and Valentine was arrested and sentenced to death. While in prison, many young people sent him flowers and said that they still believed in love. While awaiting his sentence in prison, he fell in love with the blind daughter of a jailer and, miraculously, returned her sight. Before the execution, Valentim wrote a goodbye message to her, in which he signed as "Your Boyfriend" or "Your Valentine".
Considered a martyr by the Catholic Church, the date of his death - February 14 - also marks the eve of lupercais, an annual festival celebrated in ancient Rome in honor of the goddess Juno and the god Pan. One of the rituals of this festival was the fertility march, where the priests walked around the city beating all the women with goat leather straps to ensure fertility.
Another version says that in the seventeenth century, the English and French began to celebrate St. Valentine's Day as the union of Valentine's Day. The date was adopted a century later in the United States, becoming Saint Valentine. And in the Middle Ages, February 14 was said to be the birds' first mating day. For this reason, lovers in the Middle Ages used this occasion to leave messages of love on the doorstep of their beloved. ) In its modern form, the tradition emerged in the United States in 1840, after Esther Howland sold $ 5,000 worth of Valentine's Day cards, a hefty sum at the time. Since then, the tradition of sending cards has continued to grow, and in the 20th century it spread throughout the world.
Today, the day is mainly associated with the mutual exchange of love messages in the form of symbolic objects. Modern symbols include the silhouette of a heart and the figure of a Cupid with wings. Started in the 19th century, a practice of handwritten messages gave way to the exchange of greeting cards purchased in bulk.
St. Valentine's Day was, until a few decades ago, a festival celebrated mainly in Anglo-Saxon countries, but throughout the 20th century the habit extended to many other countries.
Comic Panel 1
Which is ?

Valentine's Day, in some countries called Valentine's Day is a special and commemorative date in which the loving union between couples and boyfriends is celebrated, in some places it is the day to show affection between friends, with the exchange of cards and cards being common. gifts with a heart symbol, such as the traditional boxes of chocolates. In Portugal and Angola, as well as in many other countries, it is celebrated on the 14th of February. In Brazil the date is celebrated on the 12th of June, the eve of the day of Santo António de Lisboa, known for the fame of "Santo Casamenteiro".
How is celebrated :

Valentine 's Day has become a big commercial holiday, with shops and restaurants full.
the most common gifts to give on Valentine's Day chocolates, flowers, jewelry and lingerie
But this date is not only celebrated with boyfriends, but with family and friends and many people want to present their loved ones with simpler handmade gifts like cards or sweets.
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