San Patrick´s Day and Remembrace Day

by iSnowzin

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San Patricks´s Day
San Patrick's Day is an annual festival that has been held since 1997, it is celebrated on the 17th of March, but only in English-speaking countries. San Patrick's Day celebrates the day of the death of San Patrick, a famous patron in Ireland. On the day, people usually wear costumes in the colors Green and White. In the past, San Patrick's Day was a religious celebration, but from 1903 it became a holiday.
Fontes: Wikipédia
Remembrace Day
Remembrance Day (also known as Amapola Day, Armistice Day Veterans Day) is a day set aside in Commonwealth countries to remember the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and civilians in times of war, specifically since the First World War. Remembrance Day is celebrated on November 11, the day on which the clashes of the First World War ended, according to the German armistice. It was established by king Jorge V the 7 of November of 1919, after the proposal of Edward George and Wellesley Tudor Pole, in order to remember the fallen ones during World War I.
Fontes: Wikipédia

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