New Year's Eve and Thanksgiving Day

by 9A Gustavo Bergamin Domenico


New Year's Eve and Thanksgiving Day

By Arthur, Gustavo and João Vitor
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New Year's Eve is on 31 December, the last day before the New Year begins. In many places, people go to parties or restaurants with friends in the evening. Sometimes they meet outside. 

Just before midnight, people look at the clock, and together they count the last ten seconds before the New Years begins: 'Ten, nine, eight . . .'

In New York, thousands of people go to Times Square, in Sydney, they go down near the sea, in London, they go to Trafalgar Square.

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In the fall, food is harvested and after harvest people are grateful for the food on the table. There are religious services called thanksgiving services. there are many foods like vegetables, fruits, breads and many others, and people singing.

Thanksgiving Day is very important for Americans and Canadians. Is celebrated in the USA in the forth Thursday in November and in Canada on the second Monday in October. Most people celebrate or go to a football game or have a family dinner, preferably turkey and autumn vegetables.

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New Year's Eve, also called revéillon, the term of the French language meaning "to revive", "awaken", year-turned, refers to December 31. The great celebration, in fact, takes place this day in various parts of the world. Fireworks fill the skies and crowds crowd to wait for the new year to arrive.

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In the country, the new year is a very celebrated moment. There are many parties with shows and performances, and it is also called the "turnaround party" or simply "new year's party".

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Fireworks are one of the main symbols of the New Year's Eve party, which fill the skies with various colors for minutes. Thus, the countdown takes place at the last minute of the old year, starting the entry of the new year.

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Thanksgiving Day is one of the most important holidays in the United States. There, the celebration, which takes place on the last Thursday of November, surpasses even Christmas and New Year. It is observed as a day of gratitude to God, with prayers and feasts, for the good events that occurred during the year.

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Thanksgiving Day is usually a day when people use their free time to be with the family, having large family gatherings and dinners. It is also a day when many people dedicate their time to religious thoughts, prayers and masses.

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Thanksgiving Day is celebrated with great parades and also with the holding of football games. The main course of Thanksgiving Day is usually turkey, which gives Thanksgiving Day the nickname "Turkey Day".

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Bibliographic references

New Year's Eve:éspera_de_ano-novo
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Thanksgiving Day:
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