Filippo Bigioli

by Lucrezia Moretti

Pages 2 and 3 of 53

Sketch n.1: “Dante Lost in the Forest”
With this sketch we are in the very first canto of The Divine Comedy, when Dante finds himself lost in a forest and is about to start his journey through Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise.

The painting displays a prevalence of dark colours and shades, but there seems to be a point of light in the centre, where the protagonist, Dante himself, is. The forest in the background obviously creates a state of anxiety and loneliness in those looking at it. Dante’s expression is far from being relaxed, he looks worried and almost restless.

At the beginning of The Divine Comedy the reader is told that Dante finds himself in a dark forest and he has lost his way. He did not realise what was happening because his soul was sleepy. Dante imagined a scary forest as a metaphor for sin, which no human being can escape sooner or later in life.
With this sketch we are in the very first canto of The Divine Comedy, when Dante finds himself lost in a forest and is about to start his journey through Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise.

The painting displays a prevalence of dark colours and shades, but there seems to be a point of light in the centre, where the protagonist, Dante himself, is. The forest in the background obviously creates a state of anxiety and loneliness in those looking at it. Dante’s expression is far from being relaxed, he looks worried and almost restless.

At the beginning of The Divine Comedy the reader is told that Dante finds himself in a dark forest and he has lost his way. He did not realise what was happening because his soul was sleepy. Dante imagined a scary forest as a metaphor for sin, which no human being can escape sooner or later in life.