A new book

by Ryan Huang

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

Wrestling wasn't good for his health, so in 2001 he decided to stop wrestling . He was going to find a new job. So he became an actor in 2001 and he helped make movies. As helping in, The Mummy Returns, Scorpion king, Rundown and more.
He played roles in movies like in scorpian king he was the villian. He played roles in lots of other movies.
He was one of the worlds most successful actors. He got lots of money from acting. He started getting lots of money by the time he acted in Rundown.
He continued acting for a long time. He got himself a girlfriend, Dany Garcia and they spent lots of time together. They bought a big house and his girlfriend also helped him produce movies. She sometimes would help act as a person in movies, but in 2007 they got divorced, but they still made movies together.