My Mom, the Superhero

by GOAL project

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My Mom, the Superhero

Italian Team 23
Primary School “ Don Lorenzo Milani “
Nicotera Marina
I.C. “ Antonio Pagano “


Who is your superhero in everyday life?
My superhero is super mum…..

What is the setting of your story? Where does it play?
At home

What problem does your superhero have to solve? Who needs his/her help? She makes a cake for a birthday , the dad needs her help .

What are his/her secret superpowers?
Her superpowers are : kindness, always available , never tired , funny

How does he /she use his superpowers for a good cause?
She uses her superpowers for her family’s happiness

How does your superhero solve the problem?
she uses the love
NAME : Super mum
AGE: 35
LOOKS :Sporty
she is housewife
Most people thought that our superhero was a just a normal person but she is …..❤️
She lives in a small village near the sea.
Nicotera Marina
One morning , the dad wanted to make a cake 🎂 for Alice’s birthday
but the oven suddenly didn’t turn on ……What a disaster…
Super mum solves the problem 🦹‍♀️

And so one bad day ….it turns into a birthday party

Finally, all were happy
🧑‍🍳 Dad

🎂 cake
Oh My god ❣️
I make a cake for a birthday  party 
Thought Bubble
What happened ❓
Super mum
Hello ❣️
I solve every type of problem
Speech Bubble