A Monster Stuck In My Head

by Adam Samuel Szocs

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A Monster Stuck In My Head
Written by Samuel Szocs
Alone in his room, John was incapacitated by the dark, darker than the darkest winter nights. He was frozen, incapable of moving an inch. He wanted to run, he wanted to scream, yet he could not do anything. He kept telling himself that he was too weak, he never made it in life, he was always a failure and this is how it was gonna end. The monster crept closer to him, inch by inch, until he was face to face with the devil himself. This creature represented every part of himself that he hated, his ugly disgusting self. John knew that this was his end, almost relieved that his nightmare of life was coming to an end. The monsters and the demons finally got to him and now they wanted to end his pitiful existence. The monster took control of his hands and his feet. John no longer possessed control of his own body. John was crying, he hated his life, however, he hadn’t altogether come to peace with it ending so abruptly. But he didn’t have a choice. the monster slowly made him climb onto a chair. His hands gradually fastened a rope around his neck. Tick tock, tick tock, the clock was ticking slowly, counting down the seconds left to this poor man’s life. Death, the inevitable end, was coming, waiting to secure John in his clutches and never let him go. The creature made John tiptoe toward the edge of the chair, half a foot, three quarters, then Pain! John was suspended in midair, the rope around his neck was the only thing separating him from the hardwood floor. He croaked for help. Suddenly the door burst open, a ray of light pierced the darkness and the monster fled. The rope disappeared and John was freed. He thanked his saviour for help and the next time the monster came around he was no longer alone because he asked for help. The monster held no more power over him. Alone John couldn't do anything, but now he knew that he had good people on his side, so the demon was now the weak one. 

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