Dystopian Utopia

by 5°7


Dystopian Utopia
Camille, Léïa, Anaïs, Cassandre, Léna, Audrey, Maureen, Adèle, Dimitri, Ethan 5°7
Once upon a time, there was a small island far from any continent. This island, compared to others, was not ordinary. It had four clans:Amaryllis, Camelia,Sanguinaria and Hellebore . Each clan had one hero whose goal was to rule and keep the peace in his clan. For the Amaryllis clan the leader was Fengari, for Camelia it was Helios, for Sanguinaria it was Nocte and Mavros represented Hellebore. But one day, an ancient legend resurfaced from the past and made people talk about it. It told of the succession of power over the whole island to a single hero. However, the hero had to have certain qualities to be worthy: strength, wisdom and courage. To be able to decide between the four clans, the clans decided to organize hard and difficult tests to which the four heroes will be confronted.
Once upon a time, there was a small island far from any continent. This island, compared to others, was not ordinary. It had four clans:Amaryllis, Camelia,Sanguinaria and Hellebore . Each clan had one hero whose goal was to rule and keep the peace in his clan. For the Amaryllis clan the leader was Fengari, for Camelia it was Helios, for Sanguinaria it was Nocte and Mavros represented Hellebore. But one day, an ancient legend resurfaced from the past and made people talk about it. It told of the succession of power over the whole island to a single hero. However, the hero had to have certain qualities to be worthy: strength, wisdom and courage. To be able to decide between the four clans, the clans decided to organize hard and difficult tests to which the four heroes will be confronted.

To be elected the king, they must be strong mentally and physically, to be very strategic, to have self control and to be especially kind.
There are many tests, more or less hard. If they fail, they are immediately eliminated. The tests take place on several days.
The first day is a race with a lot of obstacles. The first obstacle is to cross a suspension bridge, the second obstacle is to climb a mount, the third obstacle is to crawl in the mud, and the last obstacle is to swim in a dangerous lake. 
The evening, the concurrents must find a place to sleep and find something to eat by themselves in a forest.
The second day, they must solve a riddle to find an object, like a treasure hunt. 
On the third day, they must find an object with a compass in the desert.
And the last test is to make a mission given by the inhabitants of the island.
Sanguianria asked Helios to bring the most dangerous animal of the island.
Hellebore asked Fengari to build a boat and cross the lake.
Camelia asked Nocte to betray someone 
And Amaryllis asked Mavros to escort and protect the ancien king. 

To be elected the king, they must be strong mentally and physically, to be very strategic, to have self control and to be especially kind.
There are many tests, more or less hard. If they fail, they are immediately eliminated. The tests take place on several days.
The first day is a race with a lot of obstacles. The first obstacle is to cross a suspension bridge, the second obstacle is to climb a mount, the third obstacle is to crawl in the mud, and the last obstacle is to swim in a dangerous lake. 
The evening, the concurrents must find a place to sleep and find something to eat by themselves in a forest.
The second day, they must solve a riddle to find an object, like a treasure hunt. 
On the third day, they must find an object with a compass in the desert.
And the last test is to make a mission given by the inhabitants of the island.
Sanguianria asked Helios to bring the most dangerous animal of the island.
Hellebore asked Fengari to build a boat and cross the lake.
Camelia asked Nocte to betray someone 
And Amaryllis asked Mavros to escort and protect the ancien king. 
Comic Panel 1
The 4th and the last test were the most dificult. The demon's lake. The objective of this test was to cross the lake alive. The first champions who arrived on the other bank of the lake became the new leader. 

When the four champions arrived, a senior of the isle gave the departure, each person built a ship and went to the lake. Mavros was the first to take the open sea. The three others quit the coast in the night. Nocte and Fengaries when 4 demons out of the wather, the demons distroyed the ship of the girls. Nocte and Fengarie, helpless, fainted. 

The next day Nocté and Fengaries woke up at 10m of the final. Fengaries who ran very fast arrived before Nocte. Helios arrived in 3rd just after Nocte but he was happy for the vitory of Fengarie. Mavros was lost in the old mountain he arrived three days later.

Fengaries was elected even if Helios arrived in first in the coast. Helios accepted Fengaries's victory without problem. But Nocte and Mavros were not ok for this victory. 