Women Who Inspired Chetna Gala Sinha

by Tasnim Chowdhury


Women Who Inspired Chetna Gala Sinha
By: Tasnim Chowdhury
Reflecting on my journey
Chetna Gala Sinha
A Note from the Author:

This book was created in a South Asian Politics course at Lehigh University taught by Prof Nandini Deo (ndd208@lehigh.edu).

I tried to contact the activist featured here however I was unable to get in touch with her. She does seem to be active on her Twitter which is @chetnavsinha.

If you wish to contribute to the cause, you can donate here https://manndeshifoundation.org/donate/
Hi. My name is Chetna Gala Sinha and I will be sharing my personal experiences with you all.
I want to share these stories to show that Indian women are able to break traditional barriers.
Women deserve to be educated. Women deserve to be leaders. Women deserve to be treated equally.
“Ordinary women will do extraordinary things with the greatest of their courage, wisdom, and humility”- Chetna Gala Sinha
I have met many women who helped me learn how to help them. These women did not go to school, but they know more about life than anyone I know. They inspire me to try and solve the problems they face every day. 
My inspiration also came from Jayaprakash Narayan, a leader who told young people like me to go to rural areas and help our fellow citizens. 
So…. I went!
Just to let you know, my life could not have worked out any better. 
Note to the Youth: Don’t judge a person with how they look, how much money they have, or what they wear. Treat everyone with the same respect.

My Thoughts: If I did not listen to the ordinary women I met, I would not have discovered my own strengths and found a way to help so many people. Since I chose to be open-minded, I was able to help a lot of people out.

Activist Workshop: Have you every taken advice from someone? Can good advice come from anyone?