Santa Rita Times: Volume 3

by Journalism Club

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

News & Current Events
A Poem to Our 5th Grade Graduates

Elementary School is over now with Middle School coming fast,
I have to tell you this last year has simply been a blast.

Shortly you'll be moving on to somewhere fresh and new,
The school will feel so different when we don't have you.

We'll watched you grow and turn into the person that you are,
To read and write and count with ease, you simply are a star.

We want you to remember a message from us all,
Live your life and chase your dreams, whether big or small.

You are unique and wonderful and sadly, will be missed,
So grab life and forever hold it tightly in your wrist.

Goodbye from us and thank you as it has been so much fun,
Remember you are special and you're simply number one.

Lone Star Middle School in San Angelo, Texas
Moving On Up
Comic Panel 1
"5th graders, how do you want to be remembered?"
Interviews by: Kaitlyn Perlas and Ella Soto

With graduation only a few weeks away, here is how some of our 5th graders are feeling about the upcoming transition to Middle School.

What are you going to miss about Santa Rita? 
A1: The memories and my teachers and friends.
A2: Mrs. Scott 
A3: My teachers. 
A4: P.E.
A5: How close everyone is.

How do you think it will go in middle school? 
A1: I think middle school will be pretty easy and I’m excited to be in band. 
A2: Different with so many teachers
A3: I might have trouble with school in general, carrying things around from class to class. 
A4: I think I will get to make new friendships.
A5: Harder at first, but once I learn everything, it will be easy.

Are you excited for middle school? Why or why not?
A1: Yes, because I get to start a new opportunity with education and friends.
A2: Yes. I look forward to athletics in 7th grade.
A3: Yes. I hope I get the music choice I wanted.
A4: Yes. It’s a big school and I love to walk.
A5: Yes. I'm excited to meet new people.

What do you think middle school will be like?
A1: Fun
A2: Boring
A3: Exciting
A4: Easy
A5: A fresh start
Current Events
Journalist Kamryn Daniels shares some positivity for the upcoming STAAR Test and end of the year assessments.
I <3 You
Dear Falcon,

How are you? Can you believe it's almost the end of the school year?! The year has flown by and soon, it will be SuMmEr TiMe. Then it will be on to the next grade or new beginnings in Middle School!

Before this year comes to a close, I wanted to let you know something. You. Are. Amazing. Yes, YOU! Look at how much you have accomplished this year and all that you have learned! I have always known that you can do amazing things but wow! You have done more than I ever could have imagined.

Your teachers have worked hard to prepare you for all the challenges that are to come and you have taken on each challenge they have handed to you. Up next? The STAAR Test and all the other end of the year assessments. The thought of it may make you nervous, but try to remember that I believe in you. It may, at times, seem hard, frustrating, and time consuming, but always remember that you can do hard things.

You are capable of anything you put your mind to. Trust in yourself and know that you are destined for greatness. You are a ROCKSTAR!

Your Future Self
You are capable of ANYTHING!!!