Exclusive: The beginning of the US

by Emilia & Karolina


New York Times
The early years of the US
Ecxlusive the beginning of the US
About the US
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Caption At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor. Duis ultrices semper lorem nisl felis sit. At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor nisl felis.
Writen by Karolina & Emilia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed magna tempus, sollicitudin nisl egestas, malesuada diam. Donec quis magna in tortor viverra sollicitudin et ac sapien. Nam convallis augue velit, eu tempus diam blandit et nulla sollicitudin. Sed condimentum viverra erat, id tincidunt dolor consequat quis. Pellentesque gravida eros risus, ac auctor Tellus porttitor quis. Sed porta malesuada vehicula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla sit amet ex rutrum, gravida nisleget, aliquam felis. Ut ut felis et dui dapibus euismod id a libero. Duis purus nulla, tincidunt at luctus feugiat, tristique at velit. Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin tortor risus, vulputate sit amet nisl posuere, bibendum malesuada dui.
Cras risus tortor, imperdiet et luctus. Vitae, sollicitudin sit amet mi. Suspendisse in vehicula justo. Nunc fringilla lacinia tortor. Vivamus auctor nisi nec nisi nec nisi nec tellus lobortis varius.
Writen by Emilia & Karolina

All about colonizing the US from the point when the europeans came until the peak of immigration. Of course also about the 4 th of July.
Early American History
1492-The first settlers came by ship
After Christoph Columbus reached America in 1492, the Europeans started to colonize and explore it .They founded their first settlement in 1607 In Jamestown.
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At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor
In 1492 they came with a ship
4th of July
A new area
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CAPTION At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor. Duis ultrices semper lorem nisl felis sit. At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor nisl felis.
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On July 4 1776, I won the Revolutionary war and signed the Declaration of independence and became the first president of the US
Speech Bubble
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America gets bigger
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President Jefferson bought large parts of North America from France and more people began to colonize it. There were conflicts with the native Americans because many lost there lives and their traditional land
America many years ago
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The peak of immigration
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From 1880 to 1930 was the peak of immigration. A total of 28 Million people arrived in the US. They came by ship to the immigration center Ellis Island
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