Stay Safe Online

by Alex


Stay Safe Online
A Digital Citizenship Book For Kids, By Alex
Table of Contents
1.Don't click on big green buttons.

2.Try to stop cyberbullying.

3. Ask your parents if you want to buy a game or something

4.Don't stay online too long
Safety Fact 1
Don't click on big green buttons because it's most likely a hacker who made it so your going to get hacked. If the website says not secure or dangerous don't go to the site.
Safety Fact 2
If you see someone saying mean stuff try to report them so they can get banned. You know there are bullying if they say like you bad or your dumb ect.
Safety Fact 3
Ask your parents if you want to buy a game because if they find out which they will because it goes no there credit card your going to be in big trouble.
And even if it's free still ask them also if there is stuff you want to buy on the game like v-bux or robux or just other stuff that cost money ask them.
Safety Fact 4
Don't stay online to long because it's bad for your eyes.