Dance Moves

by Melissa


Dance Moves
by Melissa
Table of contents
1 clothes
2 songs
3 Dance moves
4 Fun fact
5 about the author
7 Conclusion
8 Glossary
Introduction 1
This is so fun! Dancing is so fun. It is lots of exercise. Only me and my sister always need to put on comfortable clothes. But we don't wear good clothes .Why is dancing fun? You should read this book to learn about dancing.
clothes 1
First you need some good clothes you can wear t-shirt also shoes .Also shorts now you put it on then let's start it!
Then we have to have a song. You can do a k-pop song, a sad song, or a happy song, an old song, or a popular song. Some popular bands are BTS, Tomorrow by Together, Stray Kids, Enhyphen, Itzy. When you are done finding a song then listen to the song. Then you can think of dance moves.
Songs 2
Dance moves 3
When you are done getting a song, then we have to make dance moves. So you can do left or right. Also down or up. Now make the dance. When you are done put the dance moves together then dance. Left right down up down up left right left right beep bop beep bop. Then show it to somebody. Now we move on.