A new book

by Michael Hoxhaj


hot air balloons
Hot air balloons are made out of paper and straw and then powered by fire.
The Montgolfier brothers invented the air balloon a source of flying and ride in the sky.
Fire is a dangerous source.it flies not that high and planes fly higher still. Montgolfier were called Michael and Joseph🥵
Hot air balloons are made out of paper and straw and then powered by fire.
Fire is a dangerous source.it flies not that high and planes fly higher still. Montgolfier were called Michael and Joseph🥵
Icarus flew to the sun and sadly died and drowned.
Icarus and his dad were in prison. There was no way out of there. Except a hole above them there was some wax on the floor Icarues dad made a pair of wings for each of them.He said do not fly to close to the sun.
Icarus flew to the sun and sadly died and drowned.
Icarus the story is set in a temple in the greek times🧚
fun facts
Battle plane
There are many types of planes. There are large and small. The sn-71 is the fastest plane in the world it can fit to pasangers in it. ✈️
Battle planes were in world war 1 and in world war 2 most of them were bomber jets 🧨.The Rushing in both wars they had bombs 💣.
the sn-71