A new book

by Emery Corey

Pages 4 and 5 of 14

This is dedicated to my brother for being brave when he had to go to the hospital, and for my dad who inspires me to help people every day. Also, for my dog Gus who is always willing to go on an adventure. Lastly, Molly who is one of my favorite dogs who is energetic, very sweet, and brave.
Buster tied his shoes tightly and strapped on his yellow helmet. He was going for a skateboard ride. He was riding and feeling the wind whisper in his ear. Suddenly he saw a bug in the road. He did not want to hurt the bug, so he swerved. Then in a quick moment, he fell off. Buster started crying. His leg hurt so bad. His mother came running out and said, “Buster I think you need to go to the hospital.”
Buster looked at his mom with tear-filled eyes and said, “Okay” 