To Brave the Sea

by Luna Kear


To Brave The Sea
Written and Illustrated by Luna
To all those who helped me to write and revise it, to my amazing teacher, Mrs. Wheeler, and to all those children at Head Start who will read it.

I hope you will enjoy the story.

May you all be inspired to dream.
Once upon a time, in a tiny Irish village, there lived a girl. Although, this was no ordinary girl, for this girl had a dream. Once in her life, this had been shown, for she had told of her dream to everyone in her home. She told them of her dream, of the sea and the waves. Of salt air and sea spritz, and watching the sunrise countless ways. And then one day, a man said to her, “No girl sails the sea,” and she believed these harsh words. 
The words stayed in her head for all day and all night. They grabbed her dream by its tail and pulled it right out of sight. Soon she became like every girl in the village, with no dreams, no future, and certainly, no ambition. As she sat at her wheel, spinning wool into yarn, her dream came to her, like a lost sheep finding its farm. 
That night she spoke to her mother of her time at the loom, and her thoughts circled ‘round her as though she was born anew.
She pondered these words all night and when the day came, she had made up a plan of all the things in her dream. 