Cristy's SUPERtasticawesome day

by Olivia Grace Akatue


Cristy's SUPERtasticawesome day
By: Olivia Grace
Theme: Be patient, your time will come.
Dedicated to Cristy, the best stuff animal dog kid ever
It was finally here. The day Cristy might get her powers. Today was Cristy’s very first day at Supers Academy. She had dreamt all day and all night about this moment and now it was FINALLY here. Cristy bolted downstairs, gobbled down some breakfast, and headed out to the car.
Thought Bubble
Thought Bubble
  In the car Cristy was thinking about what power she wanted. Her mom had super speed, her dad had super strength and her brother had invisibility. Cristy did not know which one she wanted but then she thought maybe I can have ALL of them. 
“Mom, is it possible to have more than one power?” 
inquired Cristy.
       “No, no one has ever gotten more than two, ” 
said her mom. Cristy's face hung low and she looked a little bit flustered . 
"Hey, cheer up, I believe in you, remember to stay patient.” 
encouraged Cristy’s mom. But then reality hit Cristy that she would be the only one at school without powers. She started to panic. She was about to ask to go home but they were already there.
Thought Bubble
Thought Bubble
Have a super day at school. (get it like supers academy) Be patient for your powers your time will come.

Love mom
Shivering like it was the middle of winter, she stepped into the academy and saw kids flying, lifting up lockers, running around like headless chickens, and disappearing then reappearing again. Her worst fear had come to life. EVERYBODY had powers except Cristy. As she walked through the crowd holding back tears, everybody stopped and stared. When she finally made it through the crowd, she arrived at her locker. She carefully unpacked her backpack and looked at the lunch her mom packed her. The note said...…
Cristy stood at her locker looking forward to the day again, then a Dog with a droopy face walked over to her
 “Hi I’m Dougy and you are Cristy?” 
"Yeah that's me, said Cristy confidently. Dougy replied with a firm handshake.

"Cool, do you have your powers yet?" Dougy said curiously

“Not yet, but today could be the day. What about you, do you have your powers?” remarked Cristy hoping she wouldn’t be the only one.

“No, my mom told me to be patient though.” mumbled Dougy in an embarrassed manner .
“My mom told me that too!” said Cristy glad to have met someone in the same boat. They laughed and chatted about the school and compared classes. They were about to leave for their first class PE. This was Cristy’s favorite class, she couldn’t wait to show off her sports skills, especially her baseball skills. Cristy LOVED baseball. Suddenly, they were stopped by a gorilla that was holding all of her books and her locker on her pinky. 
“Who are you?” said the gorilla. Her name was Gloria, the most popular girl at their school. 
“I’m Cristy and-” 
 “Whatever you’re about to say I didn’t ask” blurted Gloria in a rude way. 
“What kind of superhero are you guys? You guys are lame. You should just quit school weirdos. No one likes you. Everyone thinks you're lame.” 
 Gloria beckoned them over into the open space in the hallway. “Watch this” gloated Gloria as she twirled her books and locker around on her fingers. When she finished, she flipped Cristy’s books over and walked away.  