Why Guinea Pigs Squeak

by Miles

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

One beautiful afternoon a young guinea pig named Snowy was foraging for some vegetables. Snowy came across a  red, soft looking berry.
Snowy thought, “Mother said to never eat a red berry because they can cause hiccups! But what could go wrong, right?”  
Snowy just picked the red berry and ate it. He started to trot back home when suddenly “HICCUP!” Snowy flinched. “What was that?” Snowy thought. “Was that a hawk?”
Will you have a PK buddy to color your drawings?
“AH!” Screamed Snowy. Snowy ran as fast as he could, he got to the house. 
“What is the problem deer? Why are you in such a rush?” Mother said. 
“There is a hawk out there!” Snowy said frantically. Mother shot him a surprised and worrisome look.
“YOU COULD HAVE DIED!” Mother screamed
“HICCUP! DID YOU HEAR THAT.” Mother shot Snowy with an amused look.
What is the problem, Dear?
“It is not a bird. It is you hiccuping,” mother said
“Oh,” Snowy said.
“But hiccups are bad.”
“Than what should I do,” Snowy asked
“Drink some water,” Mother said.