Why Oranges Are Orange

by Alex


Why oranges are orange
(A pourquoi tale)
Written, illustrated, and narrated by: Alexandra Grade, 4
Illustrator and Colored by: Stella
One day in the western Lehigh Valley there was a fruit orchard with Apples, Lemons, Pears, Strawberries, Oranges and more… but out of all the 472 fruits there was APPLE the most popular with his two friends Lemon and Plum. And you would think by Lemon’s name he was the sourest. But, it was Plum he did not care about anyone other than Lemon and Apple. He didn't even care about his mother and father!? He only cared about his little sister Klee.
“Hi Orange!” Grape yelled from a few feet away.
“Hey Grape!” Orange yelled. They talked for a while.
“I don’t really wanna get picked,” She sighed.
 “It’s kinda scary.”
“It’s ok Grape,” he said.
“You and your family are never going to get picked because you guys don't have any color,” Apple laughed at Orange in a high pitched voice.
“Hey, at least I don’t sound like a sheep on helium when I laugh,” Orange said.
“That's how I laugh and you need to accept it!” he said.
“Then why can’t you accept me, huh?” he asked. Apple ignored him.
That day passed. His family got picked because they rotted out. And some fell down. PLOP PLOP PLOP. But he still had Grape. One day Grape and her big family had to get picked because they were all ripe. Orange cried for 1 day straight, and Orange was left alone to just sit there days and nights and nights and days. 