Why sharks have so many teeth

by Ryan


Why Sharks Have So Many Teeth.
Written, illustrated and narrated by RYAN 4th grade
Illustrations colored by JUDE
Shark was living a happy life munching on fish whenever he wanted. But one day Fishes came up to him and said, “Don’t eat us fish for we are innocent."  
But then Shark heard “SLOOSH SPLASH,”it was the King Fish who was the strongest creature in the ocean. He came up to Shark and said,
“Don’t eat the fish or I will take away all of your teeth.” 
Shark replied “Okay.”
But later that night Shark was so hungry he had to eat some fish so he did and then ran away to catch some fish.
Back at his house the next morning King Fish came up and said, “I saw you” and put the shark in some type of magical spell and the next thing you know all his teeth are gone.
So then he had to go vegan and started eating seaweed. Shark actually thought it tasted good because it was so salty.
So he decided not to even try or think about eating a school of fish, so then Shark went vegan…