Book Creator

Book of Inspiring Women

by Westbourne House School

Pages 6 and 7 of 125

Fran Kirby plays for Chelsea ladies football club and inspires me to play football. Fran shows me that I can play football even though I am a girl and still be successful, where football is normally played by men. She started at a local team in Reading and worked her way up to be in both the England squad and one of the best league teams – Chelsea - even though she had struggled with depression after her mum died.

Therefore, Fran shows me that even though you are going through tricky times, if you persevere, you will get through it. Fran also inspires me as a team player and to give her best. An example of this is how she helps the team in whatever position she is playing in, as demonstrated in the 2017 European Championships where she played in midfield rather than her preferred striker position. 
By Zahra S, Year 5
"That is one thing I relish, the pressure of having to try and beat the best teams in the world."