Amelia Elementary-Kindergarten #LoveWC

by Tammy Marcotte


The Beginning of the Transformation
By Amelia Elementary Kindergarten
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Amelia Kindergarten Is Collaboration
The Kindergarten Team is the beginning of the transformation from students to graduates. As a team, we pride ourselves with our strong collaboration, communication, and love for kids.

Mrs. Marcotte, Mrs. Carlier, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Holland, and Mrs. Berchtold work together daily to enhance the love of learning, build an academic foundation, and guide our students through learning and life.
Academics & Life Skills
Kindergartners love to learn. Student centered learning in all of our kindergarten classes is reflected through art, smiles, outside play, teamwork, and small group learning. This is the most relevant and authentic way for our Tigers to learn.
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Communication & Collaboration
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Learning to communicate and work together is a fundamental skill in school, life, and career. Kindergartners do not just work with each other, they also love interviewing Mr. Short and working with their third grade buddies. Meeting with our buddies is a great way to learn how to share ideas, build relationships, and learn how to work with others.
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Character & Integrity
Kindergartners love to celebrate others, especially our veterans! During our school wide Veteran's Day Walk we lined the halls with students, flags, and various decorations.

"Sock it to Drugs" during our D.A.R.E. spirit week!
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