Holly Hill Elementary-3rd Grade -#LoveWC

by Holly Hill Elementary


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West Clermont Local Schools
Once Upon a Time in 3rd Grade.....
Holly Hill Elementary
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Mrs. Preece
Mrs. Copley
Mrs. Conklin
Proud to be a HUSKY!
3rd Grade
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3rd Grade

I love field day. - Huston

I love at the end of the school year everybody gets to do fun things. 
Ruby, 3rd grader

I have a great time in Howl and I love my teachers and my friends. 
Guinevere, 3rd grader

I love the climbing wall in the gym.
Sophia Bridgis, 3rd grader

I love field day and I always get to say Hi to Mrs. Raper. My favorite teachers are all of them! My favorite class is art and howl. I always try to do better. 
Bryanna, 3rd grader
Husky Paw Pride
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I love when I did music with Ms. O. 
Luke, 3rd grader

Once on a field trip to the Cincinnati Zoo, we saw the monkeys. It was so fun. 
Brayden, 3rd grader

I like field day because you get to do fun things.
Gunner, 3rd grader
2021-2022 Memories
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2021-2022 Memories
Holly Hill is a great school because most of the time every student HOWLS! The teachers are super kind too! The teachers are the best too! - Graci, 3rd grader

I like when we climbed the wall. I like doing music with Miss O. and with Miss Rhyan and with the Discover room. 
Dre, 3rd grader
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What I like is when we did the Holiday Party. 
- Shirley, 3rd grader

I love music class. 
Charlee, 3rd grader

Holly Hill teachers are the best. 
- Kaleb, 3rd grader

Seeing teacher and friends and playing games. I love seeing Mrs. Rhyan. She is the best. 
- Lacy, 3rd grader

When I come to school, I feel happy to see my friends and teachers and Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Herald. 
- Aubrey Gilligan, 3rd grader

In Kindergarten we went to the zoo and my mom was there! 
- Zoe Weddington, 3rd grader
Our Best Stories & Memories
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