Book Creator

who was J.F.K

by Jake Flores

Pages 6 and 7 of 14

In 1946, John ran for a seat in the US House of Representatives. His whole family helped out. He won the vote easily. He was also re-elected in 1948 and again in 1950. In 1952, John ran for the US Senate. The family helped as always. John won in a close election.
Senator John f Kennedy was a war hero and a bestselling author and with all off that he was young rich and handsome. People loved how he talked.
But also in 1951, John met Jacqueline, a pretty smart young woman from a wealthy family. Then they started dating. Then, she went to England for her newspaper job. When she came back, JFK and Jacqueline had a wedding and became engaged on Sept. 12, 1953 and had 2 kids.
Chapter 3: Just Married!
(JFK and his wife)