A new book

by Kayla Michalak


All About Rosa Parks
By Kayla Michalak
Table of Contents
1. All about Rosa Parks
2. Where she lived
3. When her birthday was and her death
4. What she is known for
5. Things that she did for herself and for other people
Chapter 1
When Rosa was a little girl, she had to go to an all-black school. She was treated very badly. She did not have the same rights as white people.
Rosa Parks was very helpful when she was a little girl. She helped to take care of her grandmother and her brother. Her brother was younger than her.
Chapter 2
Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. She grew up in Montgomery. She lived in this house.
Chapter 3
Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913. She died in 2005.
Baby picture of Rosa Parks
Old picture of Rosa Parks
Chapter 4
After a long day of work, Rosa Parks was tired. She got on the bus and sat down. She did not get up when a white person asked her to get up. She was arrested for this.
No I will not get up.
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