A new book

by Riley Fiore


Sally Ride
By Riley Fiore
Fast Facts
Sally read a lot of Nancy Drew Mysteries and science fiction when she was young.
She was the first American woman to fly in space.
Her education is Stanford University.
Her quote was, "I did not come to NASA to make a history''.
Her birthday is May 26th, 1951.
She has a mom, a dad and a sister.
She adores reading and the outdoors.
She died on July 23, 2013.
An obstacle she overcame was that she was the first American woman to fly in space.
We celebrate her because she was the first female American astronaut to fly in space.
Also she was able to get into a lot of schools.
All About the Author
Hello, today I'm going to teach you about Riley Fiore!

She is 8 years old. She loves soccer and sports. Her favorite food is pizza and she has a lot of other favorite foods. She has a bunch of friends. She likes writing and drawing.