The day before the end

by Coligny Dana


The day before the end
By Coligny Dana
to my friends and family for giving me reasons to write.
to my peers for giving me reasons to hate my writing.
to Popeye and Kat.
Table of Contents
The Planter

Iceskating on the lawn

mural of my mother's back

Knowing how to say goodbye

The End
The Planter
From the pier, I watched your battered way
As pink waves crashed along the dying bay
of flowers filled so full of fear
Sought solace in their haunting day

frowning in wild nights—
smiling sweet like honey and bright
like your reflection from the metal pier
where wisdom wills the wading. White

flowers cannot grow 
in the eraser of the snow
that comes before they start to steer
into the cool daylight of blooming spring, slow—

slow down, look inside
darkness of solitude will eat them alive
Waves pink and cold, a golden sear,
a reflection of our mended ride.

I bring you to a safety box
with dirt and mealworms tied with locks.
A wildflower finds freedom near
a bay for one held down by rocks.
Iceskating on the lawn
Watch our blades slice 
through ice,
as goo falls on my feet
in thickness and heat
under dry summer air. 
High in the trees,
songs sit softly.
listen. laughing— 
Lifting to the sky,

Feel my chlorine-stained hair 
and suffocating, cracked smile
melt into boiling bubbles under the sun.
Run your hands through sweet sunscreen
that sneaks onto growing geysers
that explode 
and leave us broken. 
from afar