A new book

by Will Silver

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

A Day, Here and Now

If there ever was a winter day so serene,
so tranquilized by electrifying, icy winds

that it made you want to bury yourself
far under each and every blanket in the house

and throw wood into the burning fire,
indeed, fuel the elegant flame to heights unseen,

a day when the snow covered sled hills
and the decorated tree stood up tall
A Day, Here and Now

If there ever was a winter day so serene,
so tranquilized by electrifying, icy winds

that it made you want to bury yourself
far under each and every blanket in the house

and throw wood into the burning fire,
indeed, fuel the elegant flame to heights unseen,

a day when the snow covered sled hills
and the decorated tree stood up tall
seemed so present in the moment
that you felt the urge 

to shut your eyes, closed tight
and sprint blindly into the wonder ahead,

leaving all but your most genuine self behind,
without a care in the world but for the day

so you might step into the deep, white powder
breathing with excitement

into this wonderland of white,
well, today is just that kind of day.