Book Creator

A new book

by Ayse Bayhan

Pages 2 and 3 of 27

1. effective internet use
2.proper use of communication tools
3. distinguish between true and false information
4. Ability to distinguish between virtual and real world
5. Age related use of media
6. The influence of media on today's generation
7. negative effects of social media on students
8. The physical and psychological effects of long-term social media use
1.Teachers and students will meet each other on Padlet
2. We will have a general plan to distribute tasks among partner schools
3. Our students will use Canva posters and logos for our projects
4. Google Linoit- Kahoot- Story Jumper- Voki- Quizzes- Learning Apps will be used by us to make our project technology related.
5. Our students will be directly participate in the process by games, web 2 tools, individually by their own struggle.
6. Common works will be done among our partner schools.
1. Our students will use social media correctly.
2. Students will set the right time to use on social media.
3. They will be conscious individuals about media literacy
4.They will stay away from information pollution in the media
5. Communication between student and teacher will be strengthened
Ayşe Bayhan/ Diyarbakır Anatolian High school
Our school was established in 1956, with the name changes over time, today it is called Diyarbakır Anatolian High School. Our school, which is connected to the district of Yenişehir, is a project school. In our school, 22 classrooms, 2 libraries, 5 administrative rooms, 2 guidance rooms, 1 teacher's room, male boarding house, dining hall, indoor gym, carpet field are available. Our school is historically old and has great value. Our school has become an eTwinning School in the 2020-2021 academic year and is active on the e Twinning platform.