Jupiter Realtors

by Ragen, Cruz, Kaylah, Isabella, and Josh


Cruz Kitchens
and Isabella Vazquez
Isabella Vazquez
Hello, the planet your looking at is Jupiter. Since many different cultures studied Jupiter, they all gave it many different names. The Roman name remained in the majority of cultures. Jupiter is named after a Roman god, the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus.
Ragen Seabolt
Isabella Vazquez
What number planet is Jupiter from the sun
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. Very cold.
Is Jupiter a terrestrial or Jovian planet?
Jupiter is a Jovian planet, because Jupiter is not an inner planet but a outer planet. It is more far away from the sun, leading to coldness and darkness. It would probably won't be survivable considering it's a gas planet.
Isabella Vazquez (The solution)
Thankfully we considered all of that, there would be big bubbles of oxygen and heat. We would create our houses inside of the bubbles.
Joshua Oshodi (picture and problem)
Kaylah (picture)
Ragen Seabolt and Joshua Oshodi
Isabella Vazquez
What makes up the atmosphere of Jupiter?
The planet Jupiter's atmosphere, is mostly constructed of a gas called hydrogen which is very toxic if inhaled for a long time. Also the planet Jupiter has no oxygen.
A very small fraction of the atmosphere is made up of compounds such as ammonia, sulfur, methane, and water vapor. Jupiter's atmosphere is the largest planetary atmosphere in the solar system.
What are the closest space object, other than moons, to your planet?
Timothy Kitchens
Jupiter is orbited by the Trojan Asteroids. The closest dwarf planet to Jupiter is Giuseppe Piazzi and the second closest is Ceres.