What to expect in first grade

by Emma Chinsky


What to expect in...
First grade!!!
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By Ms. Chinsky
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Hi everyone! Ms. Chinsky here to say... YOU DID IT!!! Your last month of kindergarten is right around the corner. Next September, you will all be moving on to...
first grade?!?!?!
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I understand it could be scary to think about moving onto a new chapter...
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But you are all going to do great! I am so proud of you and all you've done this year. YOU ARE READY!
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Let's talk about what your year in first grade is going to look like once September rolls around...
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You are going to learn about so many new things! Like...
You will learn how to tell time and count higher than the number 100!
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You will be able to read bigger words and longer stories!
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You will learn about animals in different parts of the world and about weather!
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you are going to learn about different cultures and places around the world!
you are going to learn how to write and spell bigger words!
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and so much more...
You have such an exciting year ahead of you!
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you will have a new teacher and new classmates! You will all make so many new friends, plus the ones you've already made this year!
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and of course, I will always be right down the hallway if you need anything at all. Or, even if you just want to stop in and say hello!
Congratulations and good luck!!!
I am so proud of you all and everything you have achieved this year. I cannot wait to see everything you accomplish for years to come!