When I go to school

by Larissa Alsemgeest


Rounded Rectangle
When I go to school
My teacher can help me if I need help
When I go to school I will have a teacher
The playground is where I will play at playtimes.
When I go to school I will have a playground to play on. 
When the bell rings it means playtime or classtime
When I go to school the bell will ring. 
All my things stay in my bag on the hook.
Add video here.
Directions (con't)

4. Click on Camera underneath Media.

5. Select Record Video. (You may need to allow the camera access to your device.)

6. Record your video. When done, click Use Video.

7. Click on the video. Then, re-size by dragging the blue circles on the corner. Move to the center of the page.
When I go to school I will have hook for my bag.
I need to remember to not eat all my food at once.
Directions (con't)

4. Click on Camera underneath Media.

5. Select Record Video. (You may need to allow the camera access to your device.)

6. Record your video. When done, click Use Video.

7. Click on the video. Then, re-size by dragging the blue circles on the corner. Move to the center of the page.
When I go to school I will eat lunch out of my lunchbox. 